
Jason Mraz's saddest tunes

The Young Reporter (2013, March), 45(04), pp. 1.
Permanent URL - https://sys01.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/bujspa/purl.php?&did=bujspa0010553
Award Received 《中國日報香港版》2013校園學報最佳新聞獎 (英文組別) - 最佳學報設計優異獎
China Daily Campus Newspaper Awards 2013 (English Category) - Best in Overall Design (Merit)

P4 Jason Mraz’s saddest tunes P8 Letter from Myanmar P10 University degrees are not worthless, just worth less P14 Subsidies for study tours to the mainland has never been more rampant P16 Room escape is for real P18 You may swallow this camera



MARCH 2012

Cover Since its inception in 2003, the individual visit scheme has drawn tens of millions of mainland tourists to the city and boosted the region’s tourism. They are often associated with Hong Kong’s economic prosperity but rarely popularity. We look into some of the most conspicuous culprits.
